The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was born in the 20th century, the most violent century in history. The political and ...
The HIndu profiles on Abdullah Öcalan, former PKK leader, calls for peace and dissolution of the group after decades of ...
In a radical new turn in the Kurdish-Turkish conflict, Abdullah Öcalan, the long-imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers' ...
The bitter experiences of the past century have proved that a progressive solution to the Kurdish question, which is ...
Syria’s interim government says it has reached a landmark agreement with Kurdish-led forces to integrate them into state ...
Ocalan repudiated the “extreme nationalist deviation” of seeking a separate Kurdish state, insisting that the Kurdish ...
The PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) should dissolve. I make this call and take historical responsibility,” read the letter ...
These meetings culminated in Öcalan’s February 27 statement, in which he urged his organization to lay down arms and abandon ...
The iconic leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, Abdullah Öcalan, has urged the militant group to lay down arms ...
Erdoğan’s outreach to Kurdish forces may signal peace — or a bid to secure support for extending his presidency by fracturing ...