And therein lies the catch — Alito hasn't recused himself from the cases, and with the new image of him flying the upside-down American flag outside his house revealed by The New York Times ...
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito had an upside-down US flag outside his Virginia home just weeks after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, when it was being used as a symbol of MAGA’s “Stop ...
but when the reporter encountered the Alito couple exiting the house, Martha-Ann told him to “get off my property.” When the Post reporter questioned Martha-Ann about the upside-down flag, she ...
("Upside-down flag controversy is the latest for Supreme Court Justice Alito," May 20) Nevertheless, once appointed, the justices owe the American public at least the appearance of impartiality ...
S enate Democrats are waging a public battle with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and are questioning his impartiality after it was revealed that an upside-down American flag flew outside his ...
An upside-down American flag, which has been associated by some with Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud, was displayed outside the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ...
In May 2024, Cohen tweeted, “A photo was just unearthed showing Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito’s home flying an upside-down American flag in January 2021. The upside-down flag was a symbol ...
And dumb. The same goes for the flying of an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at Justice Alito’s vacation house along the New Jersey shore. Like the upside-down flag, this flag is viewed by a great ...
Nearly 50 House Democrats called on Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. to recuse himself from Jan. 6-related cases Tuesday, questioning whether the jurist could be impartial after an upside ...
In January 2021, at the height of the attempts to reverse the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, a flagpole at Alito’s home in Virginia was seen displaying an upside-down American flag.