Despite a brief panic, asteroid 2024 YR4 isn't likely to hit us anytime soon, but we can still study the asteroid up close to ...
California-based space company AstroForge launched what it claimed to be the first "commercial deep space mission in history.
In reality, even as the near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 was moving away, ground-based telescopes were able to gather enough observations to get a better handle on its orbit. So we can safely take a deep ...
The Odin mission is a scouting effort to fly by asteroid 2022 OB5 to record images and data that would set the stage for a landing by AstroForge's next mission, called Vestri. The company built ...
Vestri will also feature landing legs, because it will attempt to touch down on 2022 OB5 and get an up-close assessment of the asteroid's platinum-group metal abundance.
This week, follow the journeys of two lunar landers, meet “woolly mice,” see the oldest known bone tools, and more.