Mass migration threatens to upend "daily life" across Europe, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen warned Thursday.
Germany's parliament approved plans for a massive spending surge on Tuesday, throwing off decades of fiscal conservatism in ...
German lawmakers have voted to allow a huge increase in defence and infrastructure spending - a seismic shift for the country ...
Polish and Danish leaders indicated on Thursday, March 6, that they are open to French President Emmanuel Macron’s nuclear initiative. They want to discuss how France’s deterrence forces could help ...
NEWS ANALYSIS. Fearing the destabilization of the transatlantic relationship on which its security policy was based, the Nordic country had historically avoided European defense integration.
The European Union is moving toward easing its fiscal rules to allow for more defense spending after a U-turn from Germany won support from some traditional opponents of increasing borrowing.
Mette Frederiksen har haft en hektisk rejseaktivitet ... Tirsdag i sidste uge var hun både i Berlin, Paris og Bruxelles. Her mødtes hun med først Tysklands forbundskansler, Olaf Scholz ...
siger Mette Frederiksen. Tirsdag i sidste uge var hun både i Berlin, Paris og Bruxelles. Her mødtes hun med først Tysklands forbundskansler, Olaf Scholz, dernæst Frankrigs præsident ...
Herunder hvordan Europa bliver styrket bedst muligt, udtaler Mette Frederiksen. - Italien spiller en vigtig rolle i europæisk sammenhæng, og vi har ikke ret lang tid til at træffe de nødvendige ...
Statsminister Mette Frederiksen og Europa-Kommissionsformand Ursula von der Leyen mødes tirsdag i København. De skal mødes under et arrangement på Hærens Officersskole om europæisk sikkerhed ...
I am therefore grateful that Mette Frederiksen and Jens Stoltenberg have taken the time to visit CPH:DOX to discuss the value ...