How big they are: Up to 32 feet (9. ... young males were playing with the boats. Orcas in captivity sometimes attack humans. Captive killer whales have been linked to four human deaths and many ...
Kshamenk has become the last remaining orca to be held in captivity in South America ... a heartbreaking timelapse of the isolated killer whale lying motionless for 24 hours while trapped in ...
Wikie and Keijo, the two remaining captive orcas in France, are set to move soon, but if that move is to a sanctuary is still undecided Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE. She has been ...
A French marine park on Sunday closed down definitively over a 2021 law banning shows featuring marine mammals, leaving uncertain futures for the two last orcas in captivity in the country ...
Marineland, which describes itself as the largest of its kind in Europe, currently keeps two killer whales ... "Those whales, that have spent their entire lives in captivity, their closest ...