The new film, “A Complete Unknown,” tells the story of Bob Dylan’s rise to success in the early 1960s, but the movie leaves ...
Bob Dylan performed at the famed Newport Folk ... Dylan penned one of the greatest anthems of the Civil Rights movement, a song that took him from the coffeehouses of Greenwich Village to the ...
13 / 1979-1981. Out of all the unreleased Bob Dylan songs on this list, “Series Of Dreams” still has us scratching our heads. This late-1980s recording is so incredibly passionate and ...
These country covers of classic Bob Dylan songs are more proof that the legendary songwriter's influence spreads far and wide.
Bob Dylan and Joan Baez did not end their relationship on good terms. She said that even decades later, she wasn't sure she ...
The Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown,” starring Timothée Chalamet, focuses on Dylan’s early 1960s transition from idiosyncratic singer of folk songs to internationally renowned singer-songwriter.
It is considered an anthem of the civil rights movement ... days of the early 1960s,” Jeremy Helligar wrote. Bob Dylan’s protest song “Blowin’ in the Wind,” also helped inspire Cooke.