Appeal Dismissal of Title IX policy violation. Process meeting with both parties and advisors for formal complaints authorized for investigation. This flow chart graphic (pdf) provides highlights of ...
which explains the Complaint Process and: Provides notice of the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment including sufficient details known at the time and with sufficient time to ...
This document is a text-based representation of a flow chart. At the decision ... initiate an administrative complaint under certain circumstances. Complainant and Respondent can voluntarily agree to ...
The Complainant-initiated Complaint process starts when a person who believes that they have personally experienced Harassment or Discrimination files a formal Complaint with the Office of ...
Federal and accreditation requirements state that all universities are to provide a clear process for timely resolution of student complaints and provide contact information for any external agencies ...
However, EOS may institute a formal process at any time if it determines that the conduct that is described in the complaint is severe, or part of a pattern of persistent misconduct. 2. Formal ...
After the filing of a Formal Complaint, either party may request to participate in an Informal Resolution Process, designed to empower the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. Starting ...