Dr. Samantha Gerbers says the likelihood of female dogs developing Mammary Cancer increases to 24% if they are not spayed by ...
surgery to remove most of the tumor, and chemotherapy to kill any rapidly growing cells, are sometimes effective but are both expensive and may reduce the quality of life of your dog for the ...
Geddy has lived a big life for a little dog. As a puppy, the tiny terrier mix was abandoned in Mississippi during a ...
A dog is recovering after recently undergoing a procedure that DoveLewis says is rarely performed in veterinary medicine.
"Catching it so early has given him the best chance as we removed the main tumor so hopefully it won't spread!" she said. Seeing him go through this broke down Doyle, as it would for any dog owner.
(KPTV) - A dog is recovering after recently undergoing ... During a five-hour long surgery, neurosurgeons at DoveLewis were able to remove the tumor without damaging critical brain structures.