The city of Moore was the epicenter of an EF5 tornado Monday, May 20, that decimated neighborhoods in the Oklahoma City area and took the lives of some of its citizens. Teams are still evaluating ...
The last official EF5 tornado to hit the U.S. was the infamous 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado. This violent tornado was on the ground for more than 40 minutes, carving a path of devastation more ...
On that date, a monster EF5 tornado tore a 17-mile path through the Oklahoma City suburbs, creating "40 minutes of terror" for people on the ground, as the headlines read the next day. It killed ...
59 EF5/F5 tornadoes have occurred since 1950, but it has been nearly 12 years since the last event, when an EF5 devastated Moore, Oklahoma in 2013. Researchers from the University of Oklahoma ...
It may be hard to believe that with an average of 1,200 tornadoes each year in the United States, we haven’t seen an EF5-rated twister in more than 11 years. But that doesn’t mean the number ...