“Ogusokumushi,” or the deep-sea giant isopod called Bathynomus doederleinii ... useful perspectives on and insights into contemporary Japan and its culture.
This could mean waiting for years. Their metabolism is incredibly slow - a giant isopod kept in captivity in Japan reportedly survived for five years without eating. Giant isopods express deep-sea ...
The newly identified giant isopod has a head that looks eerily like the Sith Lord's iconic helmet from the "Star Wars" franchise.
Dr. Nguyen Thanh Son holding a giant specimen of another species of supergiant isopod found in Vietnam Back in March of 2022, scientists from Hanoi University bought several supergiant isopods of ...
A team of scientists discovered a new species of giant isopod in the deep waters near Vietnam's Spratly Islands and named it Bathynomus vaderi, in honor of the iconic helmet worn by Darth Vader ...
Bathynomus vaderi is a kind of isopod, a group that also includes woodlice. It can reach lengths of over 30 centimetres and weights in excess of a kilogram. So far, the new species has only been ...
Bathynomus vaderi belongs to the genus Bathynomus — giant isopods that are abundant in cold, deep waters. It is a "supergiant," weighing over 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) and growing up to 12.8 ...
The giant isopod, which can reach lengths of 32.5cm and weigh over a kilogram, was christened Bathynomus vaderi in honour of its head which is said to look like the Sith Lord’s helmet.
At least 24 people have died in what Governor Gavin Newsom said could be the most devastating natural disaster in U.S. history.