Technology has transformed the taxi and private hire industry over the past decade. App-based booking systems have become the ...
In Tesla’s case, it plans to use its newly granted permit to ferry employees on a prearranged basis in vehicles owned by the ...
A new tax that will affect apps that run ride services and taxi companies will begin on July 1, 2025. N.C. Department of ...
Three Toronto taxi companies and one ride-hailing service are urging council to include their industry in the city's newly ...
Taxi companies have urged the City of Winnipeg and Manitoba government to promote them under buy local policies amid the ...
Tesla has gained clearance in California for a taxi-style setup under the state’s Public Utilities Commission. This status ...
More needs to be done to encourage cabbies themselves to pick up fares on the streets. Read more at
Introduction A taxi is a private hire vehicle that offers on-demand passenger transportation in exchange for a fare. In cities worldwide, taxis ...
Being a ride-hail driver has grown less attractive as earnings stagnate while costs rise Read more at The Business Times.
The city is also being asked to stop reimbursing staff for rides taken with U.S.-based companies like Uber and Lyft.
Meanwhile, Baidu’s autonomous Ride-Hailing service, Apollo Go, has established itself as the leader in China’s autonomous ...