Directed by Ridley Scott, "House of Gucci" is a biographical drama about the Gucci family, their fashion empire, and the shocking murder that upended their lives. The story is based on the book of ...
EW breaks down the nods Lady Gaga first used 'Father, Son, House of Gucci' as a real, calming prayer before filming her scenes Lady Gaga made House of Gucci a fiery Italian family home for her ...
Scheduled to be released on November 24, the film is based on the book The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed by Sara Gay Forden, an American journalist who ...
Now, a new tome released by the house – part four of a series called ‘Gucci Prospettive’ which was introduced ... a creative and art consultancy agency – to curate the book, its pages are filled with ...
Resuming its presence in the English capital, the Italian fashion house continues its love affair with London with a new book release as part of its series called "Gucci Prospettive" and its great ...