Mass immigration is ruining Britain and making you poorer. Illegal immigration is making it even worse and you even poorer.
We’re working to support the delivery of a fair and viable immigration system. Discover the latest updates to the Border ...
Ahmed Ramadan Mohamad Ebid, 41, has admitted to providing boats and crews and giving technical advice during Mediterranean ...
Immigration judge ruled Erind Koka should not be deported because he had been jailed for less than a year for helping ...
An illegal Iraqi Kurd migrant has been allowed to stay in Britain because his ID documents were stolen by the “agent” who got ...
Arrivals are "renting rider accounts" for as little as £70 a week through a loophole known as substitution clauses ...
Conor McGregor used a visit to the White House on Monday to air grievances over immigration in Ireland, pleading for help ...
Erind Koka, 33, escaped being sent back to Albania because he had been jailed for less than a year for producing a class B ...
CHANDIGARH: Why do people of some means choose illegal immigration though it often entails doing menial jobs they refuse to ...
A group of suspected illegal workers have been arrested as they waited at a "pick-up point" in Bradford, the Home Office has ...