Earth's diameter is about 7,900 miles. The planet's internal structure comprises four layers: a rocky crust on the outside, then a rocky mantle, an outer core made of magma and a solid inner core.
Researchers from Japan and Taiwan reveal for the first time that helium, usually considered chemically inert, can bond with iron under high pressures. They used a laser-heated diamond anvil cell to ...
The Earth has a layered structure made up of the core, the mantle and the crust. Different elements are present in different parts of the Earth’s structure. The crust is made from enormous ...
Neutrinos generated through solar fusion reactions travel effortlessly through the sun's dense core. Each specific fusion ...
In this way, something 'new' could be seen: "We found evidence that may indicate a change in the structure of iron, suggesting perhaps two separate cooling events in Earth's history." It should be ...
The study of seismic waves provides evidence for the internal structure of the Earth, which cannot be observed directly. P waves are detected on the opposite side of the Earth. Refractions between ...