When the hybrid is first glimpsed in the Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer ... you pour in your favorite monsters from other films and books," he said. It's rather fitting that the Rancor is ...
The Nublar Six return in Chaos Theory Season 3, with dino-adventure and sinister plots involving some old foes.
The Velociraptors are some of the biggest dinosaur stars of the Jurassic Park movies, and they’ve nabbed some of the best ...
For the time being, Jurassic World Rebirth is keeping its terrifying D-Rex "hybrid" dinosaur largely under wraps (Edwards has cited Xenomorphs and Star Wars' Rancors as a key source of inspiration).
The first trailer for the upcoming Jurassic World Rebirth was just released online ... but Rebirth will also be introducing a brand-new hybrid, which director Gareth Edwards previously described ...