Hanukkah celebrations in Cedar Rapids wrap up with a public menorah lighting. Chabad N.E. Iowa ... for all of mankind the message is that in order to win over darkness and so no matter how strong ...
Each menorah carries symbolism, representing the triumphs or tragedies of Jewish history. The Second Couple two years ago inaugurated a tradition of lighting Hanukkah candles at their residence.
It took three attempts — with the crowd’s encouraging laughter — but Monday night marked the first time a Lehigh University president helped light a menorah to mark Hanukkah. About 100 ...
(JTA) — The incident in 1993 lasted only about 20 seconds, but Ilana Kattan says the time President Bill Clinton stopped her hair from burning during a White House menorah lighting remains her ...
As part of the ceremony, the organization will ignite a 9ft Hanukkah menorah, erected at Niagara Square. The lighting will be followed by a community-wide celebration. The menorah-lighting ...
The first Menorah candle was lit outside the California state capitol building on Dec. 25 as the Sacramento Jewish Community officially marked the beginning of Hanukkah.
With G-d’s help, we will continue to share the menorah’s light for many years to come!" Rabbi Yaffe said when people try to extinguish the light, they will increase their efforts to spread it.
The story goes that, when looking for oil to light the menorah, there was only enough ... The candles are lit in a particular order: on the first night of Hanukkah, the candle furthest to the ...
An exhibit at Yeshiva University sheds light on the question ... Vatican actually had the ancient Jewish relics, including the menorah, or seven-branched candelabrum, at the center of the Chanukah ...
With G-d’s help, we will continue to share the menorah’s light for many years to come.” Both suspects were charged with second degree intimidation based on bigotry or bias, second degree ...