known for its eight-century-old leaning minaret, destroyed by Islamic State militants in 2017, has been renovated in a boost for Iraq's second city as it rebuilds after long years of war.
Engineers of the Imam Reza shrine (northeast Iran) successfully moved the 40-year-old minaret of the Islamic Republic ...
A Brierley Hill mosque wants to build a dome and minaret, which would 'double the height of the building'. The Trinity Road ...
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on Friday endorsed an Arab League counter-proposal to US President Donald Trump's ...
Mosul’s Renowned Minaret Restored From Ravages of Islamic State By Khalid al-Mousuly MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Mosul’s Grand al-Nuri Mosque, known for its eight-century-old leaning minaret ...
MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Mosul’s Grand al-Nuri Mosque, known for its eight-century-old leaning minaret, destroyed by Islamic State militants in 2017, has been renovated in a boost for Iraq's ...