Photos of the odd-looking, 180-foot ship escorted by a tugboat through the Puget Sound emerged on Reddit earlier this week ...
This spring, the Defiant will embark upon a multi-month demonstration that will test the craft’s autonomy, endurance, and ...
at the end of the war that the mystery of the Pacific ghost ship was finally solved,” the team said. After being found in Japan, the Stewart was “recommissioned back into the U.S. Navy ...
A Federal Court in Pernambuco, northeast of Brazil issued an emergency injunction ordering the country's Navy to immediately ... and has been identified as “ghost ship.” Federal judge Ubiratan ...
At first glimpse, it looks like a ghost ship anchored in the middle of the ocean, but this rusting, rat-infested former U.S. Navy warship is actually at the frontlines of an increasingly tense ...