I'm doing an oldies cruise next January ... All of it -- "it" being rock 'n' roll, though at the time, most disc jockeys were calling the tunes updated foxtrots, Richards said -- started with ...
SOUTHPORT, N.C. (WECT) - The Amuzu Theatre in Southport will be alive with the sounds of 1950′s and ‘60′s rock ‘n’ roll as it hosts the Rock and Roll Oldies show Aug. 9-11 and Sept.
When you're listening to oldies radio, you'll likely hear a few songs that sound like dated novelties that wouldn't hold up today. But then there are songs like "Take Good Care of My Baby," released ...
If so, you won’t want to miss a Rock’ N Oldies Dance Party Saturday, March 22 at 7 p.m. in the Center for the Arts: The ...