In them, Orwell’s doublespeak—that jargon of purposeful obscurity—gets one more layer of insulating irony: The former ...
You can imagine what George Orwell, a crusader for linguistic precision and scourge of slippery euphemisms, would have made of that. It is a massive cliche to invoke Orwell’s 1949 novel Nineteen ...
Do you recall “Newspeak” and “Doublespeak” in George Orwell’s novel 1984? It was the language of the authoritarian government of Oceania designed to limit the ability of the populace to ...
frighteningly resembles the mind-numbing omniscient rule of Big Brother in George Orwell’s “1984,” right down to the double-speak, shifting alliances, and omnipresent face on television.
Putin often uses words to mean exactly the opposite of what they normally do – a practice diagnosed by political author George Orwell as ‘doublespeak,’ or the language of totalitarians.