Travel advances are processed only through accounts payable. In order to maintain an accurate accounting of outstanding petty cash advances, original receipts and excess cash must be returned to ...
The vice president and/or dean may establish within their area of responsibility a working petty cash fund/change fund at any appropriate level (i.e., division, department, office, or station). Rules ...
Petty cash funds set up for subject payments are limited to subject payments and cannot be used to pay for other types of expenses. Upon replenishment, subject payments should be recorded using ...
prepare a Payment Authorization as a charge against the petty cash FOPPS, account code 552630 – Cash Over/Short. If the shortage is more than 10% of the fund amount, CCO must review and approve the PA ...
GCSO said Whitaker is accused of depositing over $30,000 into the petty cash account instead of the district's bank account. In a Facebook post by the Grant County Sheriff's Office, it said ...
WARDEN, Wash. – Former Grant County Fire Chief, Kevin Whitaker accused of forgery and depositing over $30,000 into petty cash accounts for an alleged 'gambling addiction'. Grant County Sheriff ...
A petty cash fund is an amount of currency issued and held by a department ... Once accepted by Depository Service, the DPR is then forwarded to Accounts Payable. When received by Accounts Payable, ...