Carriers of this autosomal recessive condition have elevated phenylalanine levels- levels that are not sufficiently high to cause symptoms, but that are high enough that they may have a protective ...
The disease makes it impossible to break down the amino acid phenylalanine, so that it builds up to toxic levels in the body and disrupts neuronal communication. Once a child was diagnosed, a strict ...
Preclinical data demonstrate that SYNB1618 reduces phenylalanine levels in a mouse model by converting phenylalanine to hippurate, a useful biomarker that can be tracked in the urine. Synlogic’s ...
Two doses of aspartame were used in the loading test 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg. Blood levels of phe were measured hourly and the aromatic acid metabolites of phe and phenylethylamine (PEA) were ...