Consider holding tube feeding for at least one to two hours before and after medication administration if drug absorption may be affected.
This could be during prescribing, storing, dispensing, preparation or administration ... Good practice guide on recording, coding, reporting and assessment of medication errors' came into effect ...
Modeled after the ISMP's hospital-focused best practices that launched in 2014, the new initiative aims to provide a structured approach to improving medication safety in outpatient settings. Some of ...
The purpose of this survey was to collect data regarding the policies and practices of NICUs in the United States concerning medication administration through UACs and umbilical venous catheters ...
Bronson claims she witnessed improper medication administration practices and was retaliated against for reporting them to her superiors and the Kansas Department of Labor. The lawsuit alleges ...
Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA). Co-req: NURS 2120L Intro to Nursing Prac Lab and NURS 2120R Introduction to Nursing Practice Medication ...