Ranveer Singh’s first leaked look from the sets of Dhurandhar reminded fans of Alauddin Khilji. However, some are also comparing it to Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal Ranveer Singh's Dhurandhar look is ...
Ranveer Singh is currently making waves on social media with his varied looks from the set of Dhurandhar, the upcoming multi-starrer directed by Aditya Dhar. The film, which has been the subject ...
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have always been open about their deep love for each other, and their bond continues to inspire fans. Ranveer is often praised for expressing his affection for ...
Still couldn’t guess who he is. It’s none other than actor Ranveer Singh. The Bollywood star first appeared in Band Baaja Baaraat which was released 14 years ago. Recently, the Simmba actor ...