The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it could make hydroelectric dams on Oregon’s Willamette River safe for endangered salmon by building gigantic mechanical traps and hauling baby fish ...
slaying salmon populations over a vast region of the Northwest. Other early work included “Return to the River,” a 2006 collaboration by multiple scientists that called for rethinking ...
In response to a petition by the Native Fish Society, Center for Biological Diversity and Umpqua Watersheds, the National Marine Fisheries Service determined today that the Oregon Coast and ... former ...
The salmon that was documented in Oregon on Wednesday by state wildlife officials there is believed to have continued through the footprints of the former Iron Gate Dam, two other former dams in ...
PORTLAND, Ore.— The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s recent count of spring-run Chinook salmon returning to the South Umpqua River showed just 17 wild adult fish detected during snorkel ...
The largest dam removal in US history has led to the return and restoration of salmon for the first time in over a century.  ...