Pain in the right shoulder and arm can occur due to injury, wear and tear, and other health conditions. You may experience other symptoms with certain causes. Shoulder pain is very common.
Armpit pain can be caused by many issues, from muscle strains to swollen lymph nodes. Here are possible causes of underarm pain and when to see a doctor.
The NHS has listed what it believes to be the 20 top most painful conditions a person can suffer from. While there are ...
I had no idea frozen shoulder would be a symptom of menopause. But before I let the pain takeover my life, I decided to fix the problem.
Arthritis, a widespread condition affecting millions around the world, causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints, disrupting regular tasks. While it’s impossible to cure arthritis ...
"My shoulder hurts when I serve." "My shoulder pain wakes me up if I roll over on that side during the night." Those are two of the most common statements made by tennis players complaining of ...
Winter can worsen joint pain due to temperature changes and reduced physical activity. Keeping warm, staying hydrated, regular gentle exercises, a healthy diet, and consulting a doctor for severe ...
Winter's chill intensifies joint pain due to stiffening muscles, pressure changes, and reduced activity. Symptoms include stiffness, swelling, aching, and limited movement. Combat this with ...