The former British colony is celebrating its diamond jubilee this year, and there’s every reason to plan a visit: hike ...
There are quite a lot of Russians living in Singapore today and I am sure that both churches will be well attended. During the service at your church, the prayers are said in five languages: Russian, ...
History suggests that the city-state will maintain its steady, pragmatic course through increasingly turbulent international ...
Massive buildings, fast-paced development, and economic growth that flourishes as much as its greenery, the bustling metropolis of Singapore overflows with promising businesses, markets and trade.
Meralion, a Singapore-made AI model for Southeast Asian users, could be integrated into Microsoft 365 and Copilot.
SHAH ALAM - Singapore has long been known for its commitment to multiculturalism, yet workplace language discrimination continues to be a significant challenge. Reflecting on her own experiences ...