After the success of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, a fourth installment is in the works, set for release in Spring 2027, inspired by ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 features two end-credits scenes that raise tons of questions and present amazing possibilities for the ...
Sonic Heroes first released on GameCube, PlayStation 2, and the original Xbox back in 2003. A 3D Sonic game, Sonic Heroes features a cast of 12 playable characters spanning the Sega franchise.
Here is how to play the Sonic games in release date order: Most of the games above can be found on modern platforms, too, ...
The third Sonic the Hedgehog movie (where the heck does the time go?) is scheduled to hit theaters worldwide on Dec. 20, but leaks are somehow already starting to appear online.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 ends with some big reveals that could lay the groundwork for a Sonic Heroes-inspired fourth movie.
During the Siberia sequence in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, one draft included a riff on Raiders of the Lost Ark, specifically the ...