He says, 'The Triassic is an interesting period. It forms the transition between the late Palaeozoic Era, which was mainly populated by synapsids, or mammal-like reptiles, and the Mesozoic Era, when ...
Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
Learn about the time period that took place 251 to 199 ... including rodent-size mammals and the first dinosaurs. By the start of the Triassic, all the Earth's landmasses had coalesced to form ...
New research from the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart reconstructs Triassic terrestrial ecosystems using fossils ...
The Triassic is ... from the Triassic period, including crocodile relatives - the top predators of their time - giant amphibians, the world's oldest turtle, the first dinosaurs in Europe ...
There's no universally accepted dinosaur species that lived earlier in time. Dating to around 230 million years ago, in the Late Triassic Period, the Ischigualasto Formation in Argentina contains an ...
As the Middle Triassic period rolled in ... into the early evolution of ornithomimosaurs. Adding to our list of South African dinosaurs, we introduce Ledumahadi mafube (Le-doo-ma-HA-dee MA ...
Fossils from small dinosaurs of the Triassic period were among the big new discoveries being made at this time, as well as, at other end of the scale, a lot of new crocodiles and crocodile cousins.
The Triassic period stands out in Earth’s history as the time when dinosaurs first evolved. It was followed by the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods – at the end of the latter, the dinosaurs ...
The Triassic period, spanning 252 to 201 million years ago, was crucial for the evolution of terrestrial tetrapods, including early dinosaurs, mammalian ancestors, and crocodile relatives.