If it’s genuine, the Shroud of Turin is an astounding ... Geoffroi de Charnay or Geoffrey de Charny) — who claimed that it was the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. Though the knight left no ...
The international exhibition ‘The Mystery Man’ has opened at the Gran Teatro’s exhibition hall in Elche. The exhibition offers an exploration of the life of Jesus of Nazareth through the lens of the ...
Italy: This image purports to show the face of Jesus Christ as a young boy. Police in Italy released the photofit as the iconic Shroud of Turin is set for another exhibition. Detectives used the ...
Luego de estar cinco años guardado, el Santo Sudario volvió a ser exhibido en la catedral de Juan Bautista en Turín y desató un verdadero furor. Un millón de personas ya reservaron su entrada ...
A new study claims the Shroud of Turin likely never touched Jesus, sparking debate over the authenticity of Christianity’s most famous relic. Moraes found that a shallow sculptural technique ...
La exposición The Mystery Man instalada en la Catedral de Salamanca (España), muestra el cuerpo hiperrealista de Jesucristo recreado a partir de la Sábana Santa de Turín. La escultura ...