Brush up on your knowledge of Yellowstone's geography with this interactive version of National Geographic's Trails Illustrated map Yellowstone National Park MapPlanning a Yellowstone trip?
Geologically speaking, things are always changing at Yellowstone—especially in the hydrothermal areas. It’s simply the nature ...
Take some time to get familiar with a map of Yellowstone as you start your planning. Yellowstone National Park does have an entry fee. You can either pay this or use a National Parks interagency pass.
Yellowstone National Park's nearly 3,500 square miles seep slightly across state borders into Montana and Idaho, but its major attractions are contained in the northwest corner of Wyoming.
The best way to get around Yellowstone National Park is by car ... so you'll want to use an official Yellowstone map (available online or at the park's five visitor centers) or specific GPS ...
Yellowstone National Park staff observed grizzly bear tracks in the northern part of the park on March 9.Yellowstone ...
For thousands of years, Native peoples moved in and out of the area that was to become Yellowstone National Park for ceremonies, hunting, and the medicines, minerals, and plants found there.