A bizarre expedition to Antarctica, led by a Colorado pastor aiming to settle the age-old debate about the Earth’s shape, has left a group of flat-Earth believers grappling with reality.
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
Recently, a famous Flat Earther was humbled by yet further evidence that the Earth is spherical during a trip to Antarctica. YouTuber Jeran Campanella saw the sun doesn't set during the ...
In order to gain a clearer understanding of how sea levels can rise worldwide, scientists are camping out in Antarctica. It's one of the most remote places on Earth so the BBC's Environmental ...
The Antarctic ice sheet covers 8.3% of the Earth’s surface and is the largest ... it shows how much water is stored in Antarctica and how important it is to our climate. Antarctic ice sheets ...
Antarctica is a special case ... A globe always offers a more accurate model of the Earth’s surface than a flat map because it is 3D.