The Utah senator hopes to punish individuals who have engaged in theft directly or have knowingly received stolen data.
Unfortunately, failing to implement the necessary IP protections can leave a company vulnerable to copycat competitors that can reduce its valuation and weaken its brand.
Intellectual Property (IP) encompasses the legal rights granted to individuals and organizations over their creations, ...
On the same day Donald Trump was sworn in as President, Coke Morgan Stewart was sworn in as the Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for ...
On Tuesday, Los Angeles-based alternative legal services provider (ALSP) Elevate announced the acquisition of Delhi-based ...
Nokia's earnings exceeded expectations despite a slight revenue miss.
Justin Barbosa, GM and Vice President of TriLink Discovery, added “By integrating Molecular Assemblies technology into ...
The latest international Alexandria Moriarty news and views from Reuters - one of the world's largest news agencies ...
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) now dominate the digital domain through their rapid adoption which has transformed how people ...