In this issue of Circulation, van Loosdregt et al 7 performed a comprehensive inventory of cytokines, chemokines, and chemokine receptors expressed in human arteriosclerotic versus referent ...
The linked study by Bates and colleagues 6 evaluates the accuracy with which International Classification of Diseases, Tenth revision (ICD-10) diagnosis codes from inpatient episodes identify acute ...
Stefano Toldo, PhDVictoria Johnson Research CenterVCU Pauley Heart CenterVirginia Commonwealth UniversityRichmond, VA Eleonora Mezzaroma, PhDSchool of PharmacyVictoria Johnson Research CenterVirginia ...
Central (aortic or subclavian), brachial, radial and femoral pressure pulses were recorded simultaneously in 12 healthy subjects during conditions of rest, exercise and 70 degree head-up tilt.
The hemodynamic responses of nine patients with severe coronary artery disease were studied during the precipitation of angina by both supine exercise and increasing rates of atrial pacing.
Studies of the cardiovascular system were made among 26-mile marathon runners after at least five years of physical training. Studies made with the subjects at rest showed an electrocardiogram ...
Booth et al 1 tackle these questions head on, using a large animal ovine model to examine not only the immediate impact of RDN on both the renal afferent and the efferent nerves but also the degree of ...
In this study, ultra low frequency force ballistocardiograms were recorded throughout the course of various types of acute cardiomyopathy. Conditions studied included rheumatic carditis, lupus ...
Defects in the muscular portion of the interventricular septum are frequently multiple. Although their incidence is significant, scant attention has been paid them as a distinct entity. This report ...
Of major biomedical interest have been reports that small amounts of progerin can be detected in human tissues, including human arteries, and that these amounts increase with age. 9,10 These ...