When COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation globally, it highlighted the difference between strong and weak digital infrastructure. Countries have a narrow window to ensure they have digital ...
As a child growing up in Nairobi’s Kibera, the largest slum in Africa, Dr. Stellah Bosire often woke up with a mission to search for odd jobs to help feed herself and her four siblings. On those ...
Clare Mukankusi hears this every time she visits farmers in Uganda. For the country’s smallholder farmers—most of them women—unpredictable weather isn’t just a setback; it’s a threat to their ...
NEW YORK -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the New York City Department of Education today announced a $51.2 million effort that will support the creation of 67 new small, challenging high ...
When a mother dies during childbirth, the future dies with her. The world doesn’t just lose everything she is and will be. We also—all too often—lose her child. The chance of a baby reaching their ...
When historians write about the first quarter of the 21st century, I think they may sum it up this way: Twenty years of unprecedented progress followed by five years of stagnation. This is true for ...
As CEO of the Gates Foundation, Mark Suzman leads the organization in service of our mission – to help every person have the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life. Knowing that we cannot ...
To encourage and equip low- and middle-income countries to adopt safe and inclusive digital public infrastructure to advance the global Sustainable Development Goals. Digital public infrastructure ...
From early childhood, we each saw how our parents helped out in our local communities, and we were taught that anything is possible. Unfortunately, factors outside of anyone’s control make it hard for ...
To expand access to digital financial services so people in the lowest-income communities around the globe can build security and prosperity for themselves, their families, and their communities.
In coming years, rapid advances in artificial intelligence(AI), will play an increasingly large role in global health and development, with the potential to fundamentally alter the way people ...
We provide financial and technical support to our Chinese partners and build bridges to international cooperation to help them accelerate product, technology, and systems innovation in health, ...