Senior ministers urged the then-Prime Minister Tony Blair to delay granting employment rights to eastern and central European ...
A landmark speech by Rhodri Morgan setting out his political vision for Wales was privately dismissed as "dreadful nonsense" ...
Tony Blair's Labour government pushed on with plans to open the UK's borders to Eastern Europe despite mounting concerns from ...
Newly released official files lift lid on how ministers expressed concerns over unrestricted access for workers from new EU ...
Tony Blair’s government pressed ahead with an open borders policy for new EU countries in 2004 despite ministers urging him ...
Sir Tony Blair’s government took seriously an apparent “republican” threat to poison England’s water supplies, records show ...
When Andrew Buncombe met the 39th president it was rare for ex-occupants of Oval Office to criticize their successors ...
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was said to be gutted after the gaffe, which is detailed in newly unsealed documents from ...
Prime minister ignored advice of Straw and Prescott who feared allowing immediate unrestricted access would lead to a surge ...
Former British prime minister Tony Blair once suggested that ­nationalists in Northern Ireland may support England in the ...
Forthright and fearless, the Nobel Prize winning politician, who died this week aged 100, took pot-shots at former Prime ...
Tony Blair once suggested that nationalists in Northern Ireland could support England in the World Cup after Ireland was knocked out, according to reports on a 2002 meeting. The former prime ...