Applications are now open for the 44 Farms International Beef Cattle Academy 2022-2023 online certification program. Applications for this comprehensive certificate program, through Texas A&M AgriLife ...
Weaning time is a high-stress situation for calves. But there are five ways cattle producers can help ease the transition and set those calves up for success. Experts from the University of ...
Have you ever videoed yourself working cattle? Ron Gill says it can be instructive—humbling, but instructive. That’s one of the many, many golden tidbits that around 100 people took away from a recent ...
In my neck of the woods, the wind, heat and lack of rain are creating the perfect storm for a drought. Folks further west of our ranch are already selling pairs as they run short of pasture and feed.
The National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) is the marketing organization and trade association for cattle farmers and ranchers. Founded in 1898, with offices in Denver, Colo., and Washington, ...
It may still be the middle of August, but fall is just around the corner. Over the weekend, our South Dakota ranch finally got a reprieve from the oppressive summer heat, and we’re preparing to wean ...
Cows gathering at the 625-acre grazing site in Browns Valley.
Following two Congressional hearings on the beef and cattle markets largely focused on prices producers receive for their cattle, the North American Meat Institute says the latest USDA annual report ...