Cumulative Grade Point Average from most recently conferred undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree: 3.2 or equivalent (A=4.0) For individuals applying who have attended institutions of higher ...
Graduate admission is granted to a specific department. Applicants are expected to hold baccalaureate degrees from accredited colleges or universities prior to registration as graduate students. Three ...
Once you have determined that graduate studies is right for you, think about how to begin preparing and positioning yourself to be a competitive applicant and eventually a successful graduate student.
Our persistent pursuit of scholarly excellence is powered by our varied graduate and professional programs. Purdue is committed to maximizing the success of and support for graduate and professional ...
Recruitment Fellowships are awarded to prospective students when applying for admission, and no separate application is needed. These fellowships include the Frederick N. Andrews, Lynn, Purdue ...
* US national average is 100%. ** The data on average rents comes directly from competitively-rented (market-rate) large-scale multifamily properties (50+ units in size), in over 130 markets across ...
Develop new skills, obtain training to advance your career, or enhance your existing knowledge with a Graduate Certificate from Purdue University. These programs are for individuals who hold a ...
What is my Purdue career account? Your career account will give you electronic access to your email account and other electronic services. This account is created when you are admitted to ...
The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Office of the ...