This course gives an introduction to the quantum mechanics of many-body systems and the computational methods relevant for many-body problems in such diverse areas as atomic, molecular, solid-state ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
The course is an introduction to developmental biology and genetics - in plants, animals and other relevant groups of organisms. We will use concepts and principles from genetics and epigenetics to ...
The course introduces a variety of central algorithms and methods essential for studies of statistical data analysis and machine learning. The course is project-based and through the various projects, ...
This course studies a selection of advanced techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP), with particular emphasis on modern research findings. The focus of the course is on "deep learning", a type ...
This course offers an introduction to Greek and Roman mythology through an examination of the gods, goddesses, and heroes presented in the Greek and Roman art and literature. The course looks at the ...
The course is a continuation of the course IN1900, and provides an introduction to more advanced concepts in programming and software development. The central goal of the subject is to introduce new ...
The English language has changed completely in the course of a thousand years, due to both historical events and language-internal processes. This course offers an introduction to the rich history of ...
This course gives an introduction to numerical methods for solving problems in physics and chemistry, i.e. methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations, matrix operations and ...
This course offers an introduction to engaged research methods, with a focus on the application of such methods to students’ MSc thesis. The course begins with an introduction to the concept of ...
The energy system is undergoing a fundamental change from being centralized and carbon intensive to decentralized and low carbon so as to achieve the goals according to the Paris Agreement of limiting ...
This is an introductory course in English-language literature written by, about, or for gay men and lesbians in the twentieth century. We will study a variety of representations of homosexuality in a ...