It may not be instant photography, but there is at least one machine that will take 35mm ... developing processes can be programmed in, the chemicals heated, developer agitated, and film processed.
This also helps in post-processing, as the photographer can use darkroom techniques to reveal detail that would have otherwise been lost with the smaller 35mm film. You Desire A Shallower Depth Of ...
I used Kodak Gold 200 35mm film, a roll (36 exposures) of which cost me $11 / £11. Developing film costs $20 / £17 which, in the long run, can become expensive. You can always learn to develop ...
"Maria's" film processing figures were as follows: 5,889 meters 16mm color, 5,095 meters 35mm black and white, and 55,160 meters 35mm color. Full negative processing, two months preparatory work ...