Created by Ben Watkins, Cross is an American crime thriller television series, based on the Alex Cross novel series written by James Patterson. The series follows Alex Cross, a forensic ...
For Hodge, stepping into the role of Alex Cross is more than just a career milestone ... With all eight episodes available for viewing, the series has garnered an impressive 40 million viewers ...
So much so that the author of the books that inspired Amazon Prime Video’s new hit series “Cross,” rejected a seven-figure offer to recast his character Alex Cross as a white man.
police detective Alex Cross, into a white man when he was originally shopping the first book around. Hodge now plays the character in Prime Video’s series adaptation of Patterson’s book series.
(Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Prime Video) “That wasn’t who he was,” James Patterson said of his titular character Alex Cross, played by Aldis Hodge in the hit series “Cross.” ...
“That wasn’t who he was,” James Patterson said of his titular character Alex Cross, played by Aldis Hodge in the hit series “Cross.” Diverse storytelling is extremely important in Hollywoo ...
Aldis Hodge is currently doing a phenomenal job kicking ass and taking names as Detective Alex Cross on Prime Video’s new series, “Cross.” But if Hollywood would’ve had their way—we ...
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TVLine spoke with Hodge (who’s also a producer on the already-renewed series) and Watkins about the legions of Alex Cross fans that are out there, the choice to not adapt a specific novel ...
All eight episodes of the series premiered on Amazon Prime Video ... The show, created by Ben Watkins and based on Patterson’s “Alex Cross” detective novels, performed particularly well ...
“Cross,” based on James Patterson’s book series “Alex Cross,” centers on the eponymous, sharp detective solving crimes for Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. Portland ...