Gil Shohat's The Eichmann Trial is set to premiere at the Bucharest National Opera (ONB), with the first performance ...
When will the Zionists face a Nuremberg?
Manfred Rehm/AP Images Nonfiction In “The Prosecutor,” Jack Fairweather tells the story of Fritz Bauer, the German jurist who helped find Eichmann ... the newly renamed Adolf Hitler School ...
Following my escape from the Nazi slave labor camp, and after encountering my brother-in-law, Bela Engel, on the streets of ...
The death camp was at Chelmno (or ... To this question, the trial of Adolf Eichmann supplied an answer that could not have been clearer or more precise. This question of conscience, so troublesome ...
In some respects, Hamas is worse than Hitler's Germany. Should Israel execute these terrorists at the first opportunity?
Israel is accused of crimes against humanity after the onslaught on the Palestinian enclave. But how does it differ from ...
at least 200 people who were wrongly convicted and sentenced to death in the U.S. have been exonerated. Finally, regarding Israel’s 1962 execution of Nazi perpetrator Adolf Eichmann that Rabbi ...
Editor-In-Chief of The Insider, Roman Dobrokhotov, became a prime target of Russia after unveiling the spies responsible for the 2018 Salisbury poisoning.