As per Mumbai Police, the accused goes by multiple aliases – Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas. They also confirmed that he previously worked at a pub. The only other details available ...
One of the most popular dramas in TV history is coming back to physical media in 2025. The “Twin Peaks: From Z to A” box set ...
"Wicked" isn't finished defying gravity at the box office. After more than a month in theaters, the hit film has set a new record as the highest-grossing movie based on a Broadway musical ever.
To celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Man of Steel, Warner Bros. bundled four classic Christopher Reeve Superman films to ...
After a stupendous 2022 and 2023, which saw the box office bounce back to pre-pandemic heights after two years of disappointment, India recently witnessed the release and success of a massive new hit.
The trio came to be popularly known as ‘students'. Recently, the trio made headlines for the lukewarm response to their movies at the box office. Sidharth Malhotra starrer Yodha disappoints at ...
The movie Wicked has officially become the highest-grossing Broadway adaptation in box office history, surpassing the movie musical Mamma Mia. The film's star-studded cast includes Cynthia Erivo ...
Stocks: Real-time U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only; comprehensive quotes and volume reflect trading in all markets and are delayed at least 15 minutes. International ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. 'I wouldn't have known if the internet hadn't come for me so hard,' said the comedian Make smarter choices, do some good in ...
Here’s how it works. I’ve tested a lot of mattresses in a box, so I know they're just as comfortable as traditional mattresses. The biggest difference is packaging and delivery: boxed ...