I would like to challenge those reading this to consider dedicating a part of your home this Lent and transforming ... The “family altar” stands center with the chalice and paten used at ...
when flowers are permitted on the altar, for this once during Advent. The spirit of penance during Advent is not the same as that for Lent and some joy is permitted. Gaudete means "rejoice" and ...
If not handed out, they may be found at the altar or another designated location ... you can use it as a decoration—a visual reminder of Christ’s suffering and atonement.
How to live Lent well always presents challenges, but living Lent together as a family can bring exceptional spiritual ...
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church invites the community to attend its annual noon day prayer services, also known as Lenten ...
Throughout the 19th century, Catholics had adhered to the social convention of giving up dancing during Lent, leaving ballrooms ... the Times-Democrat wrote about the altar at St. Joseph Church ...
Ash Wednesday — which fell on March 5 this year — marked the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period where Christians prepare for Easter. It’s meant to symbolize the 40 days where Jesus Christ ...
“Having our annual Lenten fish fry, starting [Friday] and runs until April 17,” said Glenn Sedivy, financial secretary with the Knights of Columbus South Sioux City. “We’ve been doing this ...
During the first week in March, Christians across the globe will begin observing the Lenten season ... in the west include church services, egg decorations and egg hunts, Easter baskets and ...