Water. It’s the stuff of life, right? Like a mother’s nurturing when you’re in the womb – except for me, it was bak kut teh.
From vegan cheesesteaks to the real deal made by a man from Philly, Memphis' Black-owned food trucks have something for ...
Nyamuk suka bersembunyi dan berkembang biak di genangan air serta tempat-tempat berantakan. Berikut cara membasmi nyamuk dari ...
Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) kerap menjadi salah satu penyakit yang masih mengancam kesehatan masyarakat, terutama saat musim ...
Pemandangan interior Katedral Sevilla di Sevilla, Spanyol. ANTARA/Xinhua/Meng Dingbo Saat sinar mentari pagi pertama ...
Food is life for this meal-obsessed island, especially when you're feeling poorly – including a spicy soup that soothes flu ...
Before you throw CNY snacks away or leave them to fester in the fridge, consider incorporating them into your meals. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Bak kut teh is the perfect dish to make in a multicooker or pressure cooker, but if you don't have either one, just simmer it on the stovetop in a regular large pot - it will just take longer.
Rather than marking the occasion with the lively chatter of family and the aroma of bak kwa or hot pot, Sharon Yap will be spending her Lunar New Year in an unconventional location — a hospital.
Pola tidur yang tidak teratur dapat melemahkan imunitas, sehingga tubuh lebih rentan terhadap infeksi, termasuk DBD.