To see a breaching whale, a soaring bald eagle, bears catching salmon, or a bison up close are unforgettable, awe-inspiring ...
When you're the national bird but also need a spa day…” writes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over this adorable video of ...
California’s famous bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, now have two hatchlings after a second chick appeared on the live camera in Big Bear Valley. A third egg has not yet hatched.
A veterinarian performed a full necropsy on the 33-year-old bald eagle and found he sustained trauma to his head. The World ...
It maintains several dozen raptor nests, including the famous Decorah bald eagle nest and nest cam ... They breed in most of Canada, Alaska, the western half of the contiguous United States ...
Coloradans have many opportunities to experience wildlife, but two of the state’s most well-known wildlife exhibits were ...
I’d sailed with my family from Haines, Alaska, to explore our watery backyard. After breakfast, we rowed the dinghy to shore for a hike. As our boots squelched in the mud, a bald eagle flushed ...
Seattle's drawbridges, some a century old, still rely on alert operators to protect people on the roads and clear a passage ...
The bald eagle, long an emblem of strength and freedom in the United States, is often associated with the wilds of Alaska. However, in a surprising twist, another state has recently outpaced Alaska in ...
Alaska gets a new interim U.S. Attorney. Juneau firefighters remind residents about burning permits. A bald eagle with avian ...
Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska joining a unified Democratic ... One of three eaglets recently born to the famed bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, has died, according ...
Bald Eagle. Photo by Mathew Schwartz, via Unsplash. The bald eagle, long an emblem of strength and freedom in the United States, is often associated with the wilds of Alaska. However, in a surprising ...