A female bald eagle perches on a thin branch, jutting up from a dead tree, as a gentle wind moves tree and bird back and forth.
Well, out in Washington state, this Golden Retriever is having a bit of dog TV, in a staring contest with a bald eagle the ...
Murphy the bald eagle was found dead on March 15. Veterinary experts say he suffered some type of head trauma during a storm.
The rules permit up to 250 bobcats to be trapped and killed in 40 southern Indiana counties from Nov. 8 through Jan. 31.
The eaglets’ parents are unknowingly participating in an avian version of “The Truman Show,” the Jim Carrey movie about a man ...
A pair of bald eagles have built a nest along Lakeshore Boulevard in West Irondequoit, an unusual spot due to its proximity to a residential area.