But do these verses apply to the whole Bible or only the Book of Revelation ... For example over Baptism, some Protestants accept the validity of infant Baptism, while others do not.
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). This verse is from the Gospel of Matthew, one of the three synoptic Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible, and is about the ...
This verse is from the Gospel of Matthew, one of the three synoptic Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible, and is about the baptism of Jesus Christ — celebrated in the Catholic faith on Jan. 12.
Some even argue that this verse shows baptism is necessary for salvation ... There is no direct mention of infant baptisms in the Bible. Some would argue the Bible does not say to do it or not to do ...
Yes, good Samaritans, younger than I, who understand the promise of reciprocity. For, dear Reader, they trust a future trade with a batch of warm, mocha pecan scones from my oven, or bread-and-butter ...
Two churches aim to come together across differences of faith, race, and class. It’s a test of the unifying power of a belief ...
Court Orders Mother to Abandon Her Faith** In a startling decision that raises alarm bells across the nation, a Maine judge has prohibited a mother from taking ...
According to the Bible, "to believe" also ... RSV] Please note that the "we" in this verse also included St. Paul - a faith-filled, baptized Christian! After Baptism if we sin deliberately and ...
He's making this analogy and saying in verses 1-11, he's saying ... in one spirit we were all baptized into one body. It speaks of the baptism with the Holy Spirit in this part of the Bible as ...