Deep beneath the waves of the South China Sea, a fascinating creature has surfaced—Bathynomus vaderi, a newly discovered ...
The deep-sea critter, now called Bathynomus vaderi, got its name after researchers noticed its head shared a resemblance to the helmet worn by iconic “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader.
The deep-sea critter, now called Bathynomus vaderi, got its name after researchers noticed its head shared a resemblance to the helmet worn by iconic “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader. The scientists ...
"That a species as large as this could have stayed hidden for so long reminds us just how much work we still need to do to ...
This newly discovered species, named Bathynomus vaderi, is causing quite a stir due to its striking resemblance to the infamous Sith Lord from the Star Wars franchise. With its bony shoulder ridges ...
Bathynomus vaderi, a newly discovered giant isopod in Vietnam, is now a popular delicacy and highlights the urgent need to study and sustainably manage deep-sea ecosystems. Bathynomus vaderi is part ...
A team of experts from Hanoi University and the National University of Singapore first came across Bathynomus vaderi in an unlikely place - a market in Vietnam! They picked up four giant isopods ...