In the thick of it all is Pine Street, also dubbed “squatter’s lane” by Mr Krieg. The State Government bought 15 of the properties on the street, which are now occupied mostly by foreigners ...
Since the southern pine beetle was first detected in Napeague and Hither Hills state parks in the fall of 2021, it has spread rapidly throughout the Napeague area, killing about 40,000 trees. This has ...
This measure has significantly reduced the number of pets in shelters and, in turn, reduced the need to kill them. In 2019, the law was further strengthened with stricter regulations on pet businesses ...
The genome of the fungus that helps mountain pine beetles infect and kill lodgepole pines has been decoded in a University of British Columbia study. Also known as blue stain fungus for the stain it ...
The Southern pine beetle caused significant damage to Alabama's forests last year. But the good news is that beetle outbreaks occur in cycles. If that tendency holds true, this year could be a much ...
According to data reviewed and analyzed by Colorado State University researchers, Colorado's forest as a collective is now emitting more carbon into the atmosphere than it is absorbing. Data ...
The couple went for a modern rustic aesthetic, so they chose beetle kill pine ceilings, rich and warm-looking wooden surfaces, accent stone panels, and homemade upholstery and curtains.
Now nearly two decades old, The Olive Press responds to the need for a proper hard-hitting medium to represent and serve the huge and growing expatriate community in Spain. Launched in May 2006 ...
New York State has been blocked from cutting down trees infested with southern pine beetles this summer by concerns about the potential for harming northern long eared bats, a newly designated ...
But in areas of town where tens of thousands of trees have been cut down or died because of southern pine beetle infestations, some fear an eventual wildfire could spell disaster. A wildfire broke ...